My Father’s World
From Preschool - 3rd grade, My Father’s World year-long DISCOVER learning adventures take a thematic approach as you and your child explore God's world through faith-building read-alouds, hands-on manipulatives, science projects, math, art, music, and Christian messages woven throughout the curriculum.
Students in 4th - 8th grade join in the family learning cycle, using the same theme. Each INVESTIGATE theme includes Bible, geography, history, literature, science, music appreciation, and art activities for a range of ages. Once a year is complete, all 4th - 8th grade children move to the next INVESTIGATE theme and continue learning together.
Each high school program is a one-year curriculum that integrates history (with government/economics/geography), English, and Bible (3 full-year credits) with detailed daily lesson plans written to the student for parent-guided independent work.
The curriculum incorporates all needed language arts including composition (writing instruction and assignments), grammar, literature analysis, and reading lists. Each year of high school includes scheduled participation in student-selected community service projects.
For more in-depth information on My Father’s World curriculum, click on the link below.